SolutionsFlash Memory Catalog, Second Edition
Sockets/Socket Tools
Prototyping/Programming Sockets are designed for a large number of component/card insertions and removals while PRoduction Sockets trade fewer component/card insertions/removals for lower cost. Socket tool profiled is the precision vacuum want for Intel packages.

TSOP Precision Vacuum Wand Intel Corporation
Sockets (Production/Prototyping) Meritec
ENPLAS TSOP Type 1 TESCO International, Incorporated
Burn-In and Test Sockets Wells Electronics, Incorporated
IC179 PSOP, TPL PLCC Series Production Sockets Yamaichi Electronics USA, Incorporated
IC197 TSOP I Series Prototyping Sockets Yamaichi Electronics USA, Incorporated
Test and Burn-In Sockets Yamaichi Electronics USA, Incorporated

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